CVCS – Centro Volontari Cooperazione allo Sviluppo (Volunteers Center for Development Cooperation) is a non-governmental organization (NGO) established in Gorizia – ITALY in 1980, mainly engaged in the fields of International Development Cooperation and Global Citizenship Education
This initiative is part of a program to promote mental health and the rights of people with mental illness that CVCS together with its partners launched in 2018 in Burkina Faso… intends to develop the strategy implemented with the Renaissance project, concluded in 2022…
The beneficiaries of the project are minors and young people in conditions of family, social and economic fragility and in conflict with the law with the aim of promoting access to basic education, vocational training …
The project contributes to the social and community reintegration of adolescents, young people and adults with criminal responsibility through the implementation of programs and services provided for by the reform of the justice system and also aimed at the active involvement of civil society in the dissemination of restorative culture in Bolivia…
22 January 2022
Chiara Fomentin, studentessa iscritta al secondo anno di laurea magistrale in Diplomazia e Cooperazione Internazionale, Università degli Studi di Trieste, ci racconta com’è andata la sua esperienza di tirocinante in CVCS. Ho iniziato a collaborare con CVCS a luglio 2021, inizialmente per un periodo di tre mesi circa durante il quale ho volto presso l’organizzazione […]
Via Bellinzona 4 – 34170 Gorizia – ITALIA
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+39 0481 34165
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